Tag: Cai Clay

  • three stacked copies of the "Designing with Waste: open source collaboration in experimental design" hardcover book

    Criteria for Planet-Centric Design, MDes Thesis pt 4

    The formal written part of thesis projects at the UIC School of Design is a thesis documentation book. See excerpts from my documentation book, including criteria for planet-centric design, as well as my full bibliography below. This is the fourth part of my Master of Design thesis project. If you have not already, go see…


  • screenshot of the Designing with Waste home page. Oversized text says, "Designing with Waste Means..." Below that are three clickable tiles titled "recycling", "learning", and "sharing"

    Designing With Waste, MDes Thesis pt 3

    DesigningWithWaste.com grew out of frustrations with seeing awesome experimental design projects never go beyond a classroom because of a lack of infrastructure. Making matters worse, students often have to reinvent the wheel when they have an experimental design project since the industrial design community lacks a collaborative hub where people can improve upon each others’…


  • gif of flipping through the first few chapters eBook pages, from the table of contents to the

    Pasta Water for Designers, MDes Thesis pt 2

    In order to help get the Cai Modeling Materials out into the world so that students and professionals can work more sustainably, I wrote a 48 page book that teaches people how to make the materials while encouraging them to experiment with the recipes.


  • white models on a white background, from left to right: speaker, drawer pull, speaker, lamp, chess piece, speaker, door handle

    The Cai Modeling Materials, MDes Thesis pt. 1

    For my industrial design masters thesis at the University of Illinois at Chicago, I developed plastic-free modeling materials. Cai Board can serve as a replacement for extruded polystyrene foam. Cai Clay is an air-drying clay that is an alternative to plastic-based clays.
