Criteria for Planet-Centric Design, MDes Thesis pt 4
The formal written part of thesis projects at the UIC School of Design is a thesis documentation book. See excerpts from my documentation book, including criteria for planet-centric design, as well as my full bibliography below. This is the fourth part of my Master of Design thesis project. If you have not already, go see…
Paintings, 2017
These works are an exploration in plant and human anatomy. The above watercolor triptych, “Comparing branching Fibonacci structures”, looks at the structural similarities between human organs and garlic. Left: Spleen with Splenic Vein and Artery- recycles red blood cells and stores white blood cells, part of the lymphatic system, which is part of the immune…
COVID Mourning Armband
What if we revived the practice of wearing armbands for mourning, to manifest our grief, and to show others that the loss of life is real?